Blueprint LSAT Blog: Question of the Day

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LR – Weather

Tom believes it is sunny outside. Damaris believes it is hot and humid outside. Therefore, outside it is hot, humid, and sunny. The reasoning in the argument above is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it involves a confusion between A. It generalizes from a sample that is likely to be unrepresentative B.

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LR – Biscuit

Biscuit, the neighbors’ new dog, should be taken to dog training school. Training school teaches dogs simple commands such as sit and stay, as well as how to walk on a leash and not pee on the carpet. The neighbors have been complaining that Biscuit is a nuisance, pees everywhere, and does not listen. Their

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LR – Gym

Edward is trying to open his own gym and training studio this month. He has saved money over several years and is now close to fulfilling his dream. However, the new iPhone is coming out this month as well and Edward really needs a new phone. But he will not be able to open the

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LR – Ghosts

It has not been scientifically proven that ghosts do not exist. Furthermore, since there have been several failed attempts to produce such a proof, whether through scientific experiments or through close observation, one must conclude that ghosts are in fact real. The reasoning is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument A.

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LR – Toddlers

Councilmember: Loud toddlers at the movies can be really annoying to those in the movie theatre, since toddlers tend to talk or cry loudly in the middle of the movie. This prevents people from being able to hear the dialogue and keep up with the plot. Therefore, the new movie theatre policy prohibiting toddlers under

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LR – Beach

The beaches were extremely crowded this past weekend in Santa Monica, California. It was the first sunny weekend in months and people flocked to the sand with bathing suits, beach umbrellas, and coolers. It is clear therefore, that the sunny weather was the reason that people came out to the beach. Which of the following,

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LR – Sunburn

During the summer months in California, sunscreen sales, as well as hospitalizations from sunburns, increase exponentially. Research shows that sunscreen sales started increasing during the summer two years ago after California saw the highest number of hospitalizations from sunburns on record. This goes to show that the increase in hospitalizations caused people to go out

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LR – Zoom

Pachai: The neighbor’s 1-year old child, has been crying all morning, disrupting my concentration. I have a Zoom meeting at noon with my supervisor so I can tell him about the new project I’m working on. Since the child will not stop crying, I should go and take the call at the quiet coffee shop