Blueprint LSAT Blog: Question of the Day

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Reading Comprehension – Philosophy

“Both Vladimir Nabokov and Virginia Woolf detail memories of having intense shocks into consciousness during their early childhoods, where they are suddenly aware that they are beings alive, in a reality governed by temporality and humanistic revelations. It appears particularly for Woolf that these openings or births of consciousness are also the birth of her

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Reading Comprehension – Political Climate

“The current political climate in the United Kingdom is very much of devolution to regional governments, whether it is in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or even in England. The process of devolution in Northern Ireland has emerged from a very delicate situation and the Good Friday Agreement would appear to be one last, desperate attempt

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LR – The Rays

Thomas’s team, the Rays, have gone undefeated this basketball season winning ten out of ten games. They will probably win the state championship game next week, since in the past every team that has gone undefeated the whole season has ended up winning the state championship game. The arguments reasoning is questionable because it presumes,

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LR – LSAT-Flex

The LSAT Flex will become a permanent fixture only if LSAC is able to ensure the security of the exam. The security of the exam cannot be guaranteed unless proctors are vigilant at all times. And in order for proctors to be vigilant at all times they require an innate love of order. Which of

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LR – Scientists

Scientist: Studies show that a sharp decrease in the bird population on a nearby island coincided with the first arrival of cruise ships to that island. So it is clear in this case that the arrival of cruise ships caused the sharp decrease in the bird population. The reasoning in the scientist’s argument is most

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LR – Councilman

Councilman: The polar ice caps are melting at an astonishing pace due to CO2 emissions. Action must be taken in order to save the polar ice caps and preserve the habitat and its species. Since there is no feasible way to reverse the damage that’s already been done, the only thing we can do is

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LR – Editorial

Editorial: The state auditor has come to our town to evaluate the town’s funds and look at our expenses in order to create a proposal to help eliminate wasteful spending. However, the town should not listen to this advisor, who in his youth was elected mayor and built a giant ice-skating ring that led to

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CEO: I have gathered the brightest and most promising individuals from every department to this meeting. This will now guarantee that the team you all form will be the brightest and most promising meeting in this company. By working together, you will be able to solve the difficult issue at hand. The reasoning above is