What Type of Lawyer Should You Be? Take This Quiz and Find Out!

In just 2 minutes (more or less) find out what your legal alter ego should be and find out what type of law you should practice!
  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Thinking about taking the plunge into law school but don’t know what type of lawyer you should be? Should you aim to be the best closer in New York City, an agent of civil (or environmental) justice, or maybe even a courtroom powerhouse? With so many different paths, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Most students narrow their options by interning, volunteering, or simply through discovering their favorite class in law school. 

    You could do that….or you can decide your fate right here and now through this incredibly accurate* quiz to find out what type of lawyer you should be!

    *Future lawyers, take note: this isn’t an incredibly accurate quiz, but wasn’t it fun?

    No matter what your results are, remember that the path to becoming a lawyer begins with the LSAT. A competitive LSAT score opens the door to top law schools and law school scholarships

    Blueprint LSAT students increase their LSAT score by 15 points on average and get into their dream law schools! Whether you’re learning in a live class with expert LSAT instructors, learning at your own pace with a Self-Paced Course, or getting help from a private LSAT tutor, we have the LSAT prep that fits your learning style.

    Further Reading

    Careers in Law Episode 1: Housing & Homeless Prevention Law

    Careers in Law Episode 2: Children’s Rights Law

    Careers in Law Episode 3: Immigration Rights

    Careers in Law Episode 4: Immigration Policy