LR – Biscuit

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Biscuit, the neighbors’ new dog, should be taken to dog training school. Training school teaches dogs simple commands such as sit and stay, as well as how to walk on a leash and not pee on the carpet. The neighbors have been complaining that Biscuit is a nuisance, pees everywhere, and does not listen. Their older dog, Gravy, went to dog training school and is now very well behaved.

    Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main conclusion of the argument?

    A. Biscuit should be taken to dog training school.
    B. Training school teaches dogs simple commands such as sit and stay.
    C. The neighbors have been complaining about Biscuit.
    D. Gravy went to dog training school.
    E. Gravy is better behaved than Biscuit is.

    EXPLANATION: The first sentence is the main conclusion of the argument. Everything that follows is offered as support for why Biscuit should be taken to dog training school.

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