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Here are a few score conversion charts from recent exams …
Download a PDF of the following
November 2019
(Click to enlarge)
September 2019
(Click to enlarge)
November 2018
(Click to enlarge)
December 2016
(Click to enlarge)
September 2016
(Click to enlarge)
December 2015
(Click to enlarge)
October 2015
(Click to enlarge)
Without knowing more about how the LSAT-Flex’s scores are calculated, we can’t promise this is exactly how LSAC will calculate your real LSAT-Flex score. But we do believe this calculator will give you a good estimate of what score you’d earn on the LSAT-Flex, and can help ease some nerves before your LSAT-Flex date.
And if you want to be even more prepared, we’ve added Flex-specific tips into all our Live Course to get you as prepared as you can for the LSAT-Flex or whatever direction LSAC wants to take us in!