Blueprint LSAT Blog: Politics

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Logical Fallacies to Look Out For This Election Season

We’re already being forced to deal with election season nonsense. Instead of catching up on the latest Donald Trump fluff in the news, we’re going to look at some common logical fallacies used and abused by politicians. Causal Flaws Causal flaws abound in political reasoning. For example, a state will pass some expensive piece of

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Which U.S. Presidents Would’ve Earned a 174+ LSAT Score?

I have a carny’s talent: I can predict a person’s LSAT score after the briefest of encounters. I once saw the Baldwin brothers at an In-N-Out Burger. Alec Baldwin is a 170, and Stephen is a 126. So, in honor of Presidents’ Day—that great American holiday designed to keep us from taking a day off

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See If You Can Piece Together This SOTU LSAT Logic Game

Today is National Puzzle Day! So the LSAT blog is giving you the chance to celebrate in the true spirit of this nerdy day. That’s right: we’ve got an original LSAT Logic Game for you to piece together. If you’re nursing a hangover from last night’s State of the Union drinking game (I did a

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Looking Back at the Government Shutdown’s LSAT Flaws

Last week, the United States House and Senate finally managed to get past their differences and reopen the federal government just before things would have become a bit hairy with the debt limit. All told, the shutdown went on for 17 days, and involved lots of frustration, brinksmanship, and flawed logic. Since this is an

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LSAT Propositions We Wish Were on This Year’s Ballot

It’s Election Day! As you read this, voters across the United States are casting their ballots for president, their congressional representatives, and various local races. Here in California, we also have various ballot propositions covering topics ranging from GMO foods to taxes to the death penalty. Voters in Washington and Colorado will decide whether to

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How LSAT Prep is a Lot Like Presidential Debate Prep

Tonight, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will square off in their third and final presidential debate. Each has spent time secreted in some remote location for arduous and intense debate preparation. The LSAT requires serious prep too, but the similarities don’t stop there. With both presidential debates and LSAT administrations, you know what’s coming (more

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LSAT Logical Fallacies From Last Night’s VP Debate

The current presidential campaign has been rife with material for fact-checkers, comedians, and informal logicians, and last night’s vice presidential debate was no exception. Congressman Paul Ryan prepared for the debate by getting jacked, while Vice President Joe Biden underwent emergency surgery to make his smile even bigger. While pundits on the left argue that

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5 Ways the Republican National Convention is Like LSAT Prep

The 2012 Republican National Convention got off to a rip-roarin’ start last night in Tampa. There are still a couple days left, of course, but for LSAT prep students there’s already plenty to take away. Here are five ways the Republican National Convention is like LSAT prep: How the RNC is like LSAT Prep #1: