What are the Benefits of Becoming a Lawyer?

You might have heard the becoming a lawyer comes with a number of benefits. But what exactly are those benefits? “Lawyer-ing” can’t be glamorous and exciting 24/7, can it?
  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Please tell us we’re not alone in this. Have you ever watched a certain TV show or movie and thought becoming a lawyer seems like the next logical (pun intended) step for you? Regardless of how you arrived at the conclusion, there’s no doubt that the benefits of being a lawyer are extensive.

    But what exactly are those benefits? “Lawyer-ing” can’t be glamorous and exciting 24/7, can it? This article explores the benefits of being a lawyer, shedding light on why it remains one of the most respected and sought-after professions today. 

    Whether you’re an early pre-law student or already gearing up for the LSAT, understanding these advantages can affirm your commitment to this career and help you focus when the journey gets tough.

    The Benefits of Being a Lawyer

    Job Stability

    In an ever-changing job market, the legal profession remains remarkably stable. The demand for legal services spans numerous sectors, including corporate, criminal, family, intellectual property, and environmental law, ensuring that lawyers are always in need. 

    Furthermore, as laws and regulations evolve (i.e. the rise of AI), the expertise of a lawyer becomes even more pivotal. 

    That’s not to say it’s foolproof, as we’ve seen law firms conduct layoffs during financial downturns just like any other company. Still, the U.S. Bureau of Labor predicts lawyer job positions will increase 8% from 2022 to 2032.

    Financial Rewards

    One of the most well-known benefits of being a lawyer is the potential for financial success. No shame in admitting that’s why you want to become a lawyer! 

    Law is among the highest-paying professions, with salaries varying widely depending on one’s specialization, location, and type of practice. Lawyers working in large law firms or in-demand specialties like corporate law can command high six-figure (or more) incomes. 

    To put it into perspective, the median base salary for first-year Big Law associates is $200,000 as of January 2023, per the National Association for Law Placement.

    Financial gain should not be the sole motivation for pursuing a legal career because you’re in a position to affect some real change. However, it is undoubtedly a significant perk that comes with years of hard work and dedication.

    Diverse Career Paths

    The legal field offers an array of career paths and niches. Lawyers can choose to specialize in fields such as criminal law, corporate law, family law, or international law. 

    Beyond traditional legal roles, a J.D. degree opens doors to careers in politics, academia, non-profit organizations, consulting, and international diplomacy. This diversity allows lawyers to tailor their careers to match their passions, interests, and lifestyle preferences.

    You don’t even have to be a lawyer forever. You can practice for a few years and then branch out to pursue other interests.

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    Intellectual Challenge

    Practicing law is not entirely drafting contracts. Law is intellectually stimulating and challenging. Every case presents a unique set of circumstances and legal puzzles to solve. 

    Lawyers are continual learners who must stay abreast of new laws, regulations, and legal precedents. This dynamic nature of law demands a sharp mind and keen analytical skills. Not surprisingly, the LSAT also tests those skills!

    For many, the intellectual rigor of practicing law is one of the most gratifying aspects of the profession.

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    How to Become a Lawyer

    The benefits of being a lawyer are pretty great, which means the path to becoming a lawyer won’t be easy. The journey begins with completing a bachelor’s degree, followed by taking the LSAT — a critical step for admission into law school. 

    Law school typically lasts three years, culminating in a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. During law school, you’ll be expected to participate in competitive internships with firms during the summers. These internships could determine where you’ll be hired after graduation. 

    After law school, aspiring lawyers must pass the bar exam in the state where they wish to practice. While studying or before taking the exam, many law school graduates decide to clerk for judges. 

    More Help

    📖 Find Out How to Become a Lawyer in This Free Ebook!

    How to Get into Law School

    Gaining admission into law school is a competitive process. A strong academic record, high LSAT scores, and extracurricular involvement are crucial components of a successful application

    You don’t need to be a specific major or follow strict law school prerequisites while in undergrad. You can apply to law school while in undergrad, immediately after you’ve graduated, or even when years out of undergrad if you’re changing careers. There’s no such thing as “too late” when it comes to applying to law school (aside from abiding by law school deadlines). 

    Additionally, you’ll need to submit a personal statement and letters of recommendation to provide insight into your character and share your passion for the field. 


    The benefits of being a lawyer are as diverse as they are rewarding. Job stability, financial rewards, intellectual challenges, and a wealth of career opportunities define this esteemed profession. 

    If you’re drawn to the complexities of law, want a chance to impact real change, or simply want a financially stable job, a career in law might be exactly what you’re looking for. 

    So now that you’ve decided on becoming a lawyer, what’s next? Your first step in your law school journey is to crush the LSAT! Get the best tools and resources to reach your LSAT goal score with Blueprint LSAT.

    Our flexible and dynamic LSAT courses leverage decades of LSAT experience and the latest AI technology. The result? Our students see 15-point score increases on average and are in a better position to apply to law school and receive scholarships. 

    Don’t take our word for it. Create a free Blueprint LSAT account to try us out for free, create a free study plan, and access tons of LSAT resources!