Before you can apply to law school, you must know how much time is left to submit. We’ve passed the early application deadline at most law schools, but it’s far from too late to apply for a regular decision (for the most part). However, the clock to submit law school applications is ticking.
To give you an idea, here are the upcoming law school application deadlines at the top 10, mid 5 and bottom 5 law schools — based on the 2014 US News and World Report law school rankings.
Note: This is just a general outline of upcoming law school application deadlines. Make sure to double check with the law schools to which you will apply, for many of them are giving extensions and making other exceptions — especially following another drop in LSAT test-takers and the fiasco from the December LSAT.
Without further ado, here are some upcoming law school application deadlines:
1) Yale: Feb. 28
2) Harvard: Feb. 1
2) Stanford: Feb. 3
4) Columbia: March 3
4) U. of Chicago: Feb. 1
6) NYU: Feb. 15
7) UPenn: March 1
7) Virginia: March 31
8) UC-Berkeley: Jan. 15 Feb. 3
8) Michigan: Jan. 3 Feb. 15
53) Richmond: March 31
54) Baylor: March 15
54) Georgia State: March 15
56) American: March 1
56) Temple: March 1
144) Duquesne: March 1
144) South Texas: Feb. 15
144) Suffolk: March 1
144) Memphis: March 1
144) San Francisco: Feb. 3
As you can see, most law school application deadlines are in March. Not all, but most. Again, double-check with your law schools of interest to see if they’ve made any changes to their application deadlines.
Is your dream law school on this list? If not, how long do you have to apply? Let us know in the comments.