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Start your law school journey on the right foot with two free webinars next week

  • by M Hope Echales
  • Jan 22, 2018
  • Admissions, Blueprint Products and Promotions, General LSAT Advice, Law School, LSAT
  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley

Good morning, law school hopeful. Future badass litigator. Or perhaps future meticulous contract-maker.

You’re starting down the path to law school and a fulfilling career as an attorney. And, trust us, as you walk down this path, you’ll have to make many, many choices. And your success is largely dependent on the choices you make. Believe it or not, the first important choice you’ll make is coming up, right now.

At this moment, you’re probably trying to figure out how to begin this application process. But you’re confused. You’ve heard there’s this test that you have to take called the El Sat or El Ess Ay Tee or something. You’re not sure when that test is held or how to study for it. Does it test the law or something? Then there’s the whole application process. It’s been a few years since you applied to undergrad, but it’s maybe sort of like that?

You have to figure out how to get this process underway. And you have two options to choose from.

Option A: Try to figure out what the LSAT is all about and self-study for it. You’ll try to glean what the LSAT tests from the Law School Admissions Council’s cryptic explanation. You’ll wonder what the hell is the difference between “analytical reasoning” and “logical reasoning.” You’ll try to self-study for the LSAT, relying on the harried screeds of users on law school message boards to provide the explanations for question. Once you’ll finally take the LSAT, you’ll scramble to get all your application materials together. You’ll be unsure on how to be begin, so your internet browser will have dozens of tabs open at once trying to figure out how to apply. Maybe you’ll travel great distances to a university’s grad school fair to try plead with law school reps to give you some info on how to get in to their school. You’ll be inundated with acronyms like CAS and AACRAO and phrases like Academic Index and rolling admissions. You’ll probably forget to fill out a form to give to a professor who volunteered to write you a letter of recommendation, and that will be a whole thing. You’ll sit down in front of a gently flickering, freshly opened Word doc for hours on end, unsure on how to start writing your personal statement. In all, the process will take longer than you wanted it to and be a little more stressful that you anticipated.

Option B: Attend two webinars Blueprint is hosting on Wednesday, January 31st. The first, held at 11 am, will provide a complete overview of the LSAT — what it is, when it’s given, what it tests, how to get started studying, and how it figures into your law school application. You’ll learn a few of the basics to “analytical reasoning” and “logical reasoning” that will show you that, hey, doing well on the LSAT is possible. You’ll even have time to do some practice problems of your own and ask questions of a seasoned LSAT instructor who has helped hundreds upon hundreds of people, just like you, attend law school.

The second webinar, held later that day at 5 pm, will take you through every step of the law school application process. The webinar will be led by University of Chicago Law School alumnus and Blueprint instructor Kyle Gehrmann, who will, with a gentle and encouraging tone, tell you everything you need to know about applying to law school. You’ll learn how to choose a time to take the LSAT and apply to law school. You’ll learn how your GPA gets calculated for your application, and how that’s weighted against your LSAT score. You’ll learn how to secure letters of recommendation. You’ll even work through an exercise that will help you get started on that personal statement. You’ll have a chance to ask questions about your own application process.

Oh, and also, these — being webinars — will be broadcasted to the computer, tablet, or smartphone of your choice. So you won’t have to leave your home to get all this information. You won’t even have to put on pants, no judgments here. Plus, these webinars are completely free. Actually, they’re better than free, they’ll save you money. By attending either webinar, you’ll not only get all the information you need to start your journey to law school, you’ll also get a huge discount off Blueprint’s online and classroom courses that will help you master the first stage of that journey — studying for the LSAT. After attending either webinar, we’ll hook you up with promo code that will give you $300 off a classroom course or $75 off the first month of the online course subscription.

So, your choice is now. Option A is months of stress, confusion, and doubt. Option B is simply attending, from the comfort of your own home, one of two webinars. Again, the first webinar is on Wednesday, January 31st at 11 am, and will cover everything you wanted to know about the LSAT. The second webinar is on January 31st at 5 pm, and will cover all you have to know about the law school admissions process. Attend either, and you’ll get a huge discount on Blueprint’s LSAT courses.

Choose wisely, law school hopeful. If you choose correctly, you can take a look at the events and RSVP to either webinar here.