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Should I re-do Logic Games?


Note: As of August 2024, the LSAT will no longer have a Logic Games Section. The June 2024 exam will be the final LSAT with Logic Games. Learn more about the change here.

There is a surprisingly broad range of opinions when it comes to the question of re-doing Logic Games. I find that many students assume their time is better spent working on material they’ve never seen before, instead of repeating games they’ve already tried. Meanwhile, some LSAT tutors advocate re-doing games as many as 10 times to glean the maximum amount of knowledge from them. I’d argue that the truth, as is often the case, lies somewhere in the middle.

On the benefits of re-doing LSAT Logic Games

Odds are that you didn’t complete a game in the absolute most efficient way the first time around — maybe you dove right into testing out answer choices for a question you could have approached more strategically, or maybe you should have used scenarios but didn’t. When reviewing the game after your first attempt, you should be keeping an eye out for anything that you probably should have done but didn’t (or vice versa).

A lot of students stop there, assuming they’ve learned their lesson. However, that new knowledge typically doesn’t really sink in unless you apply it. Therefore, unless you executed the game perfectly on your first try (which, let’s face it, probably isn’t the case), you’ll want to make sure you truly understand the deductions by trying the game at least one more time.

Sounds good. How do I do it?

Wait until you’ve forgotten the finer points of the game — maybe a few days or a week. Then, just attempt the game again. You might still remember that, for instance, you decided using scenarios would be helpful or that there was a big deduction about the color of Susan’s backpack, but this is your chance to essentially retrace your steps and remind yourself why that was the case. You should be thinking through things like, “There are only two possible ways I can fill this group, which means that I should use scenarios in this case.”

So, is it helpful to re-do games multiple times?

If, after repeating a game once, you still don’t have a great handle on it — say, you found the deductions eventually but it took you a while to figure out how to get there — you’ll probably want to lather, rinse, repeat this process. Your goal is to be able to get through the game smoothly and efficiently, and until you’re able to do just that, you haven’t learned as much as you could or should from the game.

But, if you have no problems on your first re-do and feel confident that you know the game backwards and forwards, then you can move on to a new game, confident in your newfound Logic Games superpowers.