Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Tonight 11:59 pm ET is the deadline for regular registration for the December LSAT. So make sure to sign up, unless you have $100 you want to waste by signing up for the late registration next week. LSAC

    B. Although the Supreme Court punted when asked to weigh in on Trump’s revised travel ban, two federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland have banned the ban yet again. Washington Post

    C. Like Oregon, Nevada lowered the “cut score” for its bar examination, which was a great boon to Nevada law students and law schools. Las Vegas Review-Journal

    D. Although it’s not an argument our contributing writer buys, here’s a case for why Trump’s pressure on the NFL owners brings the First Amendment into Colin Kaepernick’s case against the NFL. ABA Journal

    E. A new poll shows that 46% of Americans believe that the media makes up stories about Trump and only 51% believe that the federal government should not have the power to revoke broadcasting licenses to news organizations accused of making up stories. So much for the First Amendment. Politico

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