RSVP to Our Webinar: “Everything You Need to Know About the July LSAT”

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPlaura-lsat-blog-july-webinar
    For the first time ever, there will be an LSAT administered in July 2018. This test administration has been shrouded in mystery. What time will it start? Will the test be released? How should I adjust my study schedule for it? If I want to retake after the June LSAT, will I still have time to sign up for the July test?

    We’ll be answering these questions and more during our free webinar next week, “Everything You Need To Know About the July LSAT.” The webinar will be on Wednesday, April 25, at 6 pm PST/9 pm EST. The webinar will be led by Blueprint instructor Ross Rinehart, who fancies himself the world’s leading authority on the July LSAT. If you’re interested in having the July LSAT demystified, make sure to RSVP here to get the details about joining the webinar. And to further assist with your LSAT preparation process, we’ll be offering all attendees a $300 discount off our classroom course; after attending the webinar, you’ll be able to take advantage of that discount until 11:59 pm PST on May 9th.

    Speaking of our amazing live course, we’re offering several sessions of the course planned specifically for the July LSAT. These courses are a great way to ensure that you’ll get the very best LSAT prep available right up until that July test day. Several of the sessions will have started by the time of the webinar; if you’re interested in joining one of those classes and are also interested in using that sweet, sweet discount code, get in contact with the excellent folks at the Blueprint office and they’ll help you out with the logistics.

    Bay Area:

    Berkeley: Starts Saturday, 4/21 with instructor Aaron Cohn

    District of Columbia:

    Washington, D.C.: Starts Saturday, 5/5 with instructor Shir Davidovicz


    Chicago: Starts Saturday, 5/12 with instructor Cory O’Brien

    Los Angeles:

    UCLA: Starts Saturday, 4/21 with instructor Kyle Gehrmann

    New York:

    Upper East Side 1: Started Saturday, 4/7 with instructor Dash Kwiatkowski
    Upper East Side 2: Starts Sunday, 5/20 with instructor Dash Kwiatkowski

    Orange County:

    Irvine: Starts Saturday, 5/5 with instructor Ross Rinehart

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