Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. We have a quick, 30-minute webinar coming up next Wednesday, April 25. We’ll be teaching you everything you need to know about the brand-new July LSAT. And all attendees will receive a discount code good for $300 off Blueprint’s live, classroom course. You just have to RSVP at the link to the right! Blueprint LSAT

    B. The GRE scored a major victory yesterday, with the American Bar Association’s legal education committee recommending that the ABA lose its rule requiring that law schools use a specific standardized test for admissions. Law.com

    C. In an supremely ironic twist, Trump nominee Neil Gorsuch was the deciding vote in the Supreme Court’s decision to invalidate the law that requires that immigrants get deported for “crimes of violence.” CNN

    D. Today the Supreme Court also considered a case that could shake up online retail. The case asks whether online sellers can be forced by states to collect state sales tax. LA Times

    E. If you think England’s lawyers (excuse us, barristers) are even stodgier than the ones here, here’s your proof. A London law school course apparently docks points for students who wear single-breasted suits, “kinky” boots, and “colourful” socks or who “swig” from water bottles. Legal Cheek

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