Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. The June 2017 LSAT day is upon us. Celebrate finishing with something cold to drink and delicious to eat, and then let us know how it went here! Most Strongly Supported

    B. The Trump travel ban, which already got it on the chin from the Fourth Circuit, just took another L in the Ninth Circuit. Interestingly, the Ninth Circuit didn’t rely on the intent of the drafters of the ban, but rather the lack of a sufficient national security threat. Washington Post

    C. In fact, the Trump administration will likely be seeing more court time than the entire roster of the Cleveland Cavaliers, now that Maryland and D.C. have sued Trump for failure to shed his business interests. NY Times

    D. Puerto Rico just voted in favor of becoming the fifty-first state on Sunday. It’s now up to congress to decide whether it will give the indebted and struggling island full statehood. Reuters

    E. Someone dropped a little over twice what it costs to attend Yale Law School for a year for floor seats at tonight’s NBA Finals game. ESPN

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