LG – Photographs 3

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A group of 6 friends is taking a photograph. Four men – Eddie, Frank, Geoff, and Herrod – and two women – Stevee and Tracy. Who is in the picture and who is out of the picture at any particular time is determined by the following conditions:
    1. Herrod is out of the photograph if Eddie is in the photograph
    2. If Geoff is in the photograph, Stevee is also in
    3. If any of the women are in the photograph, F is in the photograph as well
    4. If H is out of the photograph, T is in the photograph

    3. Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the friends that could be out of the photograph when Eddie is in the photograph?
    A. Herrod, Tracy, Geoff, Stevee
    B. Geoff, Stevee, Herrod
    C. Herrod
    D. Herrod, Stevee
    E. Herrod, Geoff

    CORRECT ANSWER: (B) – Geoff, Stevee, Herrod
    EXPLANATION: If Eddie is in the photograph, Herrod has to be out of the photograph per rule #1. If Herrod is out of the photograph Tracy has to be in the photograph per rule #4. If Tracy is in the photograph, Frank has to be in the photograph as well per rule #3. There are no rules that affect Geoff and Stevee if Eddie is in so they could be out of the photograph as well.

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