Let the Record Reflect: Which LSAT Is the Hardest?

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • If you’ve ever spent time in the depths of an LSAT forum (we don’t recommend this), you’ve probably seen people discussing these precise questions: Which LSAT exam administration is the hardest? Which has the easiest curve? How can I maximize my chances of a top LSAT score?

    Can You Predict Which LSAT Is the Hardest?

    Well, we have both good and bad news. The bad news is…there’s really no predicting the objective difficulty of any one LSAT administration! The key thing to keep in mind is that the LSAT is largely relative because your score depends on your performance compared to other test takers in the same administration. So, a particularly nasty LSAT will likely result in lower raw scores across the board, meaning you can miss more questions and still get the same score as an “easier” test with higher average raw scores.

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    When Should I Take the LSAT?

    Now, some people try to game the system by figuring out when their relative performance will be strongest based on who else is taking the law school test. However, there’s just not much data to back the idea that February’s test-taker pool is full of LSAT geniuses when compared to the August test, for example. A huge number of people take the LSAT – consistently over 100,000 each year! Therefore, your time will be much better spent considering what time of year makes the most sense for you to take the LSAT rather than counting on an easier test or curve. Focusing on the factors in your control will allow you to set yourself up for success on test day!

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