The post-LSAT carnival is back to bring you the best of the internet chatter on the July 2018 LSAT. I dove deep into the discussion forums to round up the very best and most significant highlights on this LSAT. Buckle up, because this one is a roller coaster.
First, the internet was abuzz with frustration and debate because it turns out that the July 2018 LSAT was used on several previous, undisclosed administrations of the LSAT. The collage of comments below give you a taste of some of the concern LSAT student had about this choice by the LSAC.
On a completely different topic, somebody out there wants to make stickers/decals to reference notorious questions from the LSAT (you know, to get a laugh from the extremely specific group of your fellow drivers who knows what a “mauve dinosaur” is referencing).
As always, there were at least a few people who had a really bad time on the LSAT.
And there was the equally established internet tradition of discussing the fellow-LSAT takers we love to hate.
It was a real toss-up whether someone had a positive experience with their exam proctors, or ended up with test center distractions.
As we’ve mentioned on this blog before, the LSAC pulled a bit of a bait and switch when they first announced that the June 2018 exam scores would definitely be released on a specific date, and then released them early anyway. It looks like the July testers have reason for skepticism about their own score release.
And finally, after this most recent LSAT, some students were discussing how the characters from The Office would perform on the LSAT and in law school. Even speaking as a true Office fan, it got weird.
That’s it for our July LSAT carnival. Best of luck, and see you again after the next exam!