With the temperatures across the globe now reaching are-we-sure-the-terra-firma-isn’t-just-permanently-on-fire-now levels, I’m looking forward to the fall season. Fall can’t be felled soon enough, if you ask me. Autumn ought to, um … start soon (let’s workshop that one).
While none of us can change the vicissitude of the seasons or the steadily rising temperatures, we can do a thing or two to get our minds off this sweltering heat and focused on the fall. We can map out our fall plans early, and have something to look forward to once the temperatures drop, the foliage’s hue changes, and midterms become a whole thing. And if your fall plans involve figuring out how to make your way to law school, we have some great news for you.
With the last LSAT of the calendar year being held this November, all law school-bound people who hasn’t already secured their LSAT score should plan their fall around studying for that test. So should you need to do a little Law School Admissions Test-ing this fall, definitely plan on enrolling in one of the many of classroom courses that will help people all over this nation study for the November LSAT.
We have classes starting very soon that will give you the best guidance possible throughout the fall. Under the tutelage of our amazing instructors and armed with the power of our online resources, all the skills and strategies needed to get that amazing LSAT score will just … fall into place. With instructors who have all scored a 170 or above on a real LSAT and have a wealth of teaching experience under their collective belts, and homework so smart it adapts to you, Blueprint classroom students average an 11-point increase from their first practice exam. We’re so confident that your score won’t fall this … fall … that we even offer a score increase guarantee.
And all these courses taking place over the fall are listed below. So take your mind off the grueling heat of the summer and look ahead to a more temperate fall full of LSAT glory by signing up for one of these courses.
Phoenix: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Dylan Gadek (178). Meets Mondays, Wednesday, and some Saturdays.
Bay Area/Northern California:
Berkeley: Starts Sunday, 9/2 with instructor Austen Yueh (171). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
Davis: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Kyran McCann (171). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
San Francisco: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Meredith Spoto (172). Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
San Jose: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with instructor Michael Moss (173). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
Orange County:
Fullerton: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Ross Rinehart (170). Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
Irvine: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with instructor Ross Rinehart (170). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
Los Angeles:
Downtown LA 1: Starts Saturday, 9/1 with instructor Branden Frankel (175). Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
Downtown LA 2: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with instructor Kyle Gehrmann (171). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
Northridge: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with instructor Branden Frankel (175). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
Pasadena: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Chris Whyte (171). Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
UCLA 1: Starts Sunday, 9/2 with instructor Jelena Woehr (178). Meets Tuesdays and some Saturdays/Sundays.
UCLA 2: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Spencer Robins (179). Meets Mondays, Thursdays, and some Saturdays/Sundays.
UCLA 3: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Kyle Gehrmann (171). Meets Wednesdays and some Saturdays/Sundays.
San Diego:
San Diego: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with instructor Nick McIntosh (172). Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
Washington, D.C.:
Washington, D.C. 2: Starts Sunday, 9/16 with instructor Shir Davidovicz (170). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Saturdays/Sundays.
Miami: Starts Saturday, 9/8 (instructor will be announced soon!). Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
Chicago: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with Cory O’Brien (170). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
Boston: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Laura Santoski (178). Meets Wednesdays and some Saturdays/Sundays.
Midtown: Starts Saturday, 9/1 with instructor Julien Hawthorne (170). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
New York 1: Starts Sunday, 9/2 with instructor Kevin Lin (180). Meets Tuesdays and some Saturdays/Sundays.
New York 2: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Kevin Lin (180). Meets Mondays, Thursdays, and some Saturdays/Sundays.
New York 3: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with Julien Hawthorne (170). Meets Wednesdays and some Saturdays/Sundays.
Austin: Starts Saturday, 9/8 with instructor Jenny Steiger (174). Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Saturdays.
Houston: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with instructor Sam Huang (170). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.
Seattle: Starts Sunday, 9/9 with instructor Andrew McDonald (170). Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Sundays.