How To Prep for the LSAT Without Logic Games

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • By now, you’ve probably heard the news: the LSAT is evolving. Starting in August 2024, the Logic Games Section will be a thing of the past. Instead, students will face one section of Reading Comprehension and two sections of Logical Reasoning.

    Maybe you’ve already embraced this future LSAT with no Logic Games. You’ve set your sights on the August 2024 (or later) test date and are ready to dive in headfirst. But now, you can’t help but wonder: “How do I prepare for a test that hasn’t been released yet?”

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    You Already Have Everything You Need 

    If you’ve already started prepping for the LSAT, I have good news for you. You have everything you need to succeed. While the death of logic games is a big change, students can take comfort in the fact that Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension are their same old usual selves, as reliable as ever.

    The prescription for August test-takers seems pretty simple on the surface: LR and RC? Full steam ahead. Logic Games? Drop ‘em like a bad habit. Immediately. Unless they’re something you like to do for fun in your spare time. (You masochist, you.)

    Ok, so now that we voted Logic Games off LSAT Prep Island, what should we do with all this extra time on our hands? Fire up the Netflix queue? Doomscroll the interwebs? Dust off our plastic duck collection for the tenth time this week?

    Logical Reasoning: Your New Best Friend 

    Oh, you thought you were done? We’re down a section, but that doesn’t mean you can let your foot off the gas.

    Instead, get ready to spend some quality time with our new best buddy on the LSAT: Logical Reasoning. It goes without saying that Logical Reasoning is more important now than ever. Double the sections, double the points, and double the fun.

    But wait. How important is that, exactly? 

    A UCLA Law Professor estimated that the LSAT determines roughly 60% of your law school admissions chances. And now, two-thirds of that 60% is purely LSAT Logical Reasoning. 

    So, a whopping 40% of your admissions chances – almost half – comes down to those fifty little paragraphs with multiple-choice questions that nearly all sound the same.

    That’s scary, but it’s also a big opportunity. Logical reasoning questions are surprisingly predictable and constant (once you start to make LR your LSAT BFF). They often make the same, tired, bad arguments over and over.

    Don’t Forget Reading Comprehension

    Of course, it is crucial not to neglect Reading Comprehension. The RC Section poses a greater accuracy challenge for many people.

    My guess, though, is that even if you’re in this boat, the Logical Reasoning Section remains king. Let’s consider a hypothetical student who struggles with Reading Comp and is doing ok with Logical Reasoning. We’ll name the student Ryan. 

    Ryan is batting .500 in Reading Comprehension. An accuracy of 50% translates to 13/26 correct on test day. That means there’s an opportunity to pick up 13 more points in the Reading Comprehension section. 

    Ryan is also at 70% in Logical Reasoning. Since there are two Logical Reasoning sections of roughly 25 questions each, that amounts to 35 out of 50 possible points on test day. That’s an opportunity to pick up 15 more points.

    Guess what: LR still comes out on top in terms of priority (ever so slightly in this case). 

    Long story short: invest your extra study time wisely, but make logical reasoning your jam. You won’t be disappointed.

    What About Practice Tests? 

    You’re covered in the practice tests department if you’re a Blueprint student. We’ve already added three practice exams in the new LR-LR-RC format and one in the free Blueprint LSAT account (which, if you haven’t created one yet, you really can’t afford not to). 

    These are all taken from real past LSAT administrations, with an additional Logical Reasoning section (from another previous LSAT administration) added in. It’s a great option for simulating the real thing, getting used to the new format, and seeing what your LSAT score could potentially be—our analytics robots will also pinpoint exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are so you know what concepts you need to work on.

    More changes are coming soon. As the LSAT grounds continue to shift, we at Blueprint will be there every step of the way. In the meantime, though, any practice LSAT exam, with a little imagination and a little bit of math, can be worked into the new LSAT format. 

    Step One: Take a practice test and skip the Logic Games Section(s). I know, the score won’t be pretty.

    Step Two: Grab another LR section. If your experimental section was Logical Reasoning, you’re already good to go. If not, do another LR section as a section exam and grade it. 

    Step Three: Replace the zero from your skipped Logic Games Section with your raw score on the second LR section, and add it to your practice exam total. 

    Step Four: Recalculate your score based on the curve from that test.

    Pete Townshend wrote: “Meet the new boss / Same as the old boss.” The new LSAT gives me similar vibes. 

    While many may mourn the loss of logic games, little else has changed. We’ve got four sections, 100 questions, and 75 of them count. Might as well get to it!

    If you’re prepping for the January-June 2024 LSATs or August 2024 and beyond, our LSAT experts will help you reach your goals! Check out or schedule of upcoming classes or start your prep for free today!