LSAT Diaries: The LSAT Convinced Me To Become a Lawyer

Not sure if you want to go to law school? Prep for the LSAT. You might end up surprised.
  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • When it comes to the law school journey, everyone has their own story, but there’s one big challenge most of us have to tackle: the LSAT. In this new series, our Blueprint LSAT alumni share how they crushed the LSAT and made their law school dreams come true!

    Bethany, a former Blueprint LSAT student, didn’t know she wanted to be a lawyer until she started prepping for the LSAT. Now she is attending her dream law school!

    When in Doubt, Always Try Law School

    I had been exploring different career paths, such as medicine, social work, and public health, and decided at the end of my second year out of college to explore the legal field.

    While I had been inspired to be a lawyer from my work in public health and social work, I knew that the legal field requires a certain way of thinking. 

    I decided to see how I would like studying for the LSAT as a baseline for deciding if I want to go to law school. I want a profession where I can advocate for people as they navigate complex life problems, specifically in settings where they have been harmed.

    I knew I wanted to be a lawyer when I realized how much fun I was having studying for the LSAT.

    Finding the Right LSAT Prep Course

    I did a lot of research online and through personal connections about the best LSAT prep course out there. I am motivated when I work with other people, and I immediately was drawn to Blueprint’s unique opportunity to connect with other students over video calls and learn from top instructors in a real-time environment

    Blueprint also worked great with my schedule, offering flexible class times and office hours. I was able to work full time at my 9 am-5 pm job and study in a way that worked well for me.

    Additionally, I wanted a test prep course that had a proven record of raising students’ LSAT scores, and Blueprint promised me exactly this.

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    Navigating My LSAT Journey

    I began studying with Blueprint in June 2021 with the plan to apply Fall 2021. 

    I loved the live classes and the office hour classes the most. I am engaged in learning when I’m in an environment of students and live instruction. Office Hours were also a great opportunity to dive deeper into the material covered in class.

    I loved how personable and light the instructors kept the material, and to this day many Blueprint instructors are some of the smartest people I’ve ever met. Dylan is magnificent in simplifying the material, and I appreciated how Theron made the LSAT applicable to other areas of life, including law school itself.

    When Hard Work Pays Off

    Blueprint is a huge reason I will be attending my dream law school. My diagnostic was a 147 in June 2021, and I ended up receiving a 165 on my October 2021 exam. I credit this 18-point increase to Blueprint’s amazing instructors who helped me every step of the way.

    I have put in the work to achieve my dream, and my dream is becoming a reality. I cannot thank Blueprint enough!

    If you’re ready to put in the work and see some real results, enroll in a Blueprint LSAT prep course. Whether you have the discipline to study on your own with a Self-Paced Course or want to navigate the LSAT with instructors in a Live Course, we have the study method that fits your learning style. Start for free today and get access to tons of free LSAT prep resources!