December 2012 LSAT Instant Recap

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPhank-lsat-blog-december-2012-lsat-instant-recap
    The last month of the year is upon us, and so is its last LSAT. Across the country, thousands of students filed into their December LSAT testing centers and sat for what could be the most important test of their lives.

    Maybe you were one of them. If so, what’d you think? Chime in in the comments. Just remember that all comments have to be approved. We can not publish any comments that discuss specific December LSAT questions or directly suggest which topic was believed to be the experimental section. If your comment isn’t approved, it’s likely because it violated an LSAC policy.

    Now, here’s what we’re hearing so far about the December LSAT:

    It sounds like at least one Logic Games section was particularly easy (see, LSAC isn’t that mean), while Logical Reasoning made up for it with a tough section — with some reports saying there were more than one crux question, which is a bit of an oddity. Most reports have deemed Reading Comprehension easy to moderate.

    I’ll continue to update the December 2012 LSAT Instant Recap as more reports trickle in. In the meantime, let us know what you thought. What tripped you up on the December LSAT, if anything? How do you think you did? What are your post-December LSAT plans?

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