5 Things to Remember Before Taking the December LSAT

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPaaron-lsat-blog-5-things-remember-december-lsat
    Tomorrow’s the day: the December LSAT. By the early afternoon, it’ll all be over, leaving you to work on your law school applications as you wait for your LSAT score. For today, relax. Don’t touch those LSAT books. The LSAT studying you’ve been doing over the last weeks and months will help you out; cramming won’t.

    Double check your LSAT test day list. If you still need a passport photo, go get one right now. Then, do whatever it takes to get your mind off tomorrow’s LSAT. Well, maybe “whatever it takes” is a little strong. Don’t do anything that’ll leave you, uh, impaired tomorrow.

    We at Blueprint LSAT Prep would like to wish you good luck on tomorrow’s LSAT (here are some predictions for the December LSAT, if that interests you). With that in mind here are five things to remember when you sit at your desk at the LSAT test center tomorrow:

    1. It’s all just ordering and grouping. Some students fear the logic games section of the LSAT. Even if you’ve got the games section down pat and you’re missing very few questions, you may fear that a weird game will pop up. There may be a hard LSAT logic game that looks weird. But the odds are very good that that game will be asking you to put things in order, to put them in groups, or to do both. If you get a game that looks strange, try to figure out what’s normal about it first.

    2. The same goes for logical reasoning and reading comp: you’ve done it all before. The questions and passages will have different topics. Some will be routine and others will be destined to become LSAT classics. But either way, the logic underlying these LSAT questions will be very close to the logic behind some LSAT questions you’ve seen already, provided you’ve studied, that is.

    3. The people around you don’t necessarily know what they’re doing on the LSAT. There may be fellow LSAT test takers at the test center with cockamamie ideas about how to approach the LSAT. Don’t let them throw you off your game. Better still, don’t talk to them. The LSAT test taker next to you may finish every section ten minutes before time is called. That doesn’t mean they’re getting many of those questions right. Focus on you, and tune everyone else out.

    4. Don’t stress about the experimental section. After the LSAT, you can try to figure out what it was. But while you’re taking the LSAT, any brainpower spent worrying about which section is or will be experimental is brainpower wasted. Treat every LSAT section as if it’s real and don’t worry about what’s coming next.

    5. Don’t succumb to the temptation to cancel your LSAT score on the spot. The option will be staring you in the face on your LSAT answer sheet. There may be that one logical reasoning question that you’ll finally figure out just after time is called. Maybe you’ll realize you missed a deduction on one of the logic games. Those aren’t good things but they won’t necessarily kill your LSAT score either. You get a few days to cancel, so wait until you can give the decision a more detached, sober assessment. If it doesn’t involve bodily fluids, don’t cancel on the spot. Stay positive.

    Again, good luck on the December LSAT. And stay out of trouble when you celebrate afterwards.

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