December 2011 LSAT Scores Released

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPhank-lsat-blog-december-score-release
    One of the longest waits for LSAT results is over.

    At approximately 2:30 p.m. PST on Wednesday, LSAC began releasing results for the December 2011 LSAT. The exam was conducted on December 3, and LSAT scores were released a stress-filled 32 days later on January 4.

    For many, it was worth the wait.

    The December LSAT had an extremely lenient curve: -14 for a 170 and -28 for a 160. That means you could have missed 14 questions and still scored a 170, and you could have missed 28 and still scored a 160. So if you remember things not going very well on test day, you probably scored better than you anticipated. Then again, it’s been 32 days. You’ve probably experienced a seesaw of expectations; you’ve talked yourself into believing you scored a 180 and you’ve talked yourself into believing that you forgot to fill in your name on the Scantron.

    To put this particular exam’s curve into perspective, the October 2011 LSAT — considered to be one of the most difficult exams in recent memory — had a curve of -13 for a 170. Apparently, December’s LSAT was one notch tougher.

    We’re still gathering information as more and more of our students find out their LSAT scores — including the whereabouts of the experimental section. Chime in with your thoughts in the comments. How’d you do?

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