We’re just nine days into July and LSAC is already making news in the pre-law world. As we predicted, the August LSAT will be a remote LSAT-Flex, with scores coming back in September. However, that’s just the tip of the giant iceberg of news LSAC dropped yesterday.
August LSAT Flex
By now, we should all be familiar with the LSAT-Flex format and all the intricacies and potential problems that can arise from it. The August LSAT-Flex will begin on Saturday, August 29, with most students testing Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. If you already registered for the August LSAT, then you will be automatically registered for the August LSAT-Flex; be on the lookout for a future email about choosing your test date and time. If you change your mind and don’t want to take the August LSAT-Flex, the deadline to withdraw—and receive a coupon for a free LSAT between October 2020 and April 2021—is August 21. If you haven’t registered, the deadline is July 15.
Sidenote: there’s still time to prep for the August LSAT-Flex! We have classes starting soon or you can prep on your own time with Self-Paced!
Scores for the August LSAT-Flex will be released on September 18. And speaking of scores…
LSAT Score Preview
In a surprising move, LSAC is now allowing test takers to see their final scores and decide if they want to include them on their score report. Experiencing deja vu? Yup, it’s July 2019 all over again, with some interesting changes.
This feature will now be available for all LSAT exams, beginning with the August LSAT. However, only first-time test takers will be able to view their scores. This means everyone has one chance to take advantage of this perk unless you’re a retaker. The cost to preview your score is $45 if you opt-in before test day. The price rises to $75 if you choose to opt-in after testing has completed. Previewing your score is free for LSAC fee waiver recipients. Once you see your score, you have six days to decide what to do it with it—essentially, If you like your score, you can keep it and report it to law schools, but if you don’t, it just shows up as a canceled score on your score report.
LSAT Writing is Mandatory
Well, LSAT Writing has always been more or less mandatory but now you must have a writing sample on file before LSAC will release your scores to you. To facilitate this, this portion of the LSAT will open up eight days before test day. This change goes into effect for the August LSAT, but if you already have a valid writing sample on your record, then you have nothing to worry about. What was the reason for this change? Apparently, law schools really like writing samples.
To no one’s surprise, 2020 just keeps on surprising us. While we’re not 100% sure right now if the October LSAT will be a Flex exam, one can only be certain that the world will look different this fall. That said, what do you think about the new score preview option? Should LSAC open it up to every test taker? Should they even charge for it? Sound off and practice your reasoning skills!