5 Keys to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPshinners-lsat-blog-5-keys-not-being-turkey-december-lsat-test-day
    Hank, our LSAT blog editor-at-large, gave me the topic of “5 Keys to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day.” There’s no way I’m giving him a pass and coming up with something that isn’t as cheesy (plus, who doesn’t love cheesy? My holiday-themed movie marathon includes It’s a Wonderful Life, so clearly not this guy), so I present to you…

    5 Keys to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day

    Key #1 to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day: Anger, fear, aggression. The LSAT are they.

    You’ll be going through a range of emotions over the next week and a half. In fact, you’ll probably go through the entire range of emotions over the next week and a half.

    This is normal.

    Accept that you’ll be scared, angry, lethargic, gassy, etc… and it will be a lot easier to cope with.

    And on December LSAT test day, you’ll still be all those things. Hopefully not gassy. You’ll need to deal with it.

    Key #2 to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day: Jamaica has a bobsled team.

    Yes, my numbered entries are trending towards the inane. And movie references from my childhood.

    The Jamaican bobsled team almost pulled it off because of all the test runs they did (in a tub) before the actual race. Similarly, you should do a test run or two to your December LSAT testing center before game day so you don’t show up late.

    Also, hop in a bath before going. It will relax you, and you don’t want to be the smelly kid in the room.

    Key #3 to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day: We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinkin’ badges!

    Yes, yes you do.

    The LSAC is pretty stringent in their test-day requirements. You’ll have to bring proper identification with you. The requirements for your passport photo have an entire page dedicated to them. Check them out, and make sure that you have what you need.

    Key #4 to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day: Too close for missiles, I’m switching to guns.

    You’ve spent months drilling questions, methods, and approaches to this test of law school admissions (as Shakespeare referred to it). And it’s easy to get locked into those processes. In fact, it’s a good thing – always knowing what your next step is going to be will keep you on track.

    But sometimes, a MiG gets on your six. Or, in LSAT language, a deduction just isn’t coming on that Logic Game.

    It’s important to have a second plan of attack – a fallback for when your primary weapon for that question type just isn’t cutting it.

    For instance, on a Soft Must Be True, focus on finding a weak answer choice. For a Logic Game, do the conditional questions first and use those answers to attack the absolute ones.

    Make Maverick proud.

    Key #5 to Not Being a Turkey on December LSAT Test Day: If you’ve got an issue, here’s a tissue.

    Yes, I’m relegated to making Austin Power references. Bet you haven’t thought of that in a while.

    Someone in your room will have the sniffles. Or a cough. Or be a mouth breather.

    You’ll have to deal with it.

    Take a few LSAT Practice Tests in a public setting so you’re used to extraneous noises. Don’t let it throw you off your game on the December LSAT.

    And follow this advice so you don’t end up a turkey on LSAT game day!

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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