LSAT Prep Tips for Thanksgiving (and Thanksgivukkah) Break

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPalex-lsat-blog-lsat-prep-tips-thanksgiving-thanksgivukkah
    Today marks both Thanksgiving eve and the beginning of Hanukkah. Not only is this a momentous and rare occurrence, it also ensures that any member of the Jewish faith will add at least an inch to his/her waistline before the beginning of December. While this all sounds wonderful in theory, it’s an eight-day stretch fraught with peril for the Jewish LSAT student, let alone those who have only Thanksgiving (and annoying relatives, and possibly final exams) to deal with.

    It would take an LSAT student of extraordinary discipline to resist the delights of the season. The food and beverage bonanza that is Thanksgiving can scarcely be ignored, and it ought to be enjoyed. Just take care not to over-enjoy.

    I took the December LSAT in my time and I can remember studying over the Thanksgiving holiday. Did I partake of Thanksgiving dinner and all of its joys? You’re damn right I did! I fully indulged in football, turkey and an adult beverage or two. Did I also study and take an LSAT practice exam that same morning? Abso-freaking-lutely.

    Your December LSAT prep strategy should be fairly similar. I’ve never been one to advocate sensory deprivation in the name of academic excellence. Enjoying yourself a little will help you maintain sanity. Sanity can be far more important than a few extra hours of studying come December LSAT test day.

    Enjoy the revelry of the holidays. Laugh at your drunk relatives. Enjoy the gifts you receive, material and otherwise. Just make sure you still get your LSAT studying in. In fact, make sure you get your studying in in the morning. After all, that’s when you’ll be taking the December LSAT, so that’s when you should prepare your brain for exam-taking.

    Once you’ve done your usual daily studying, you can have that glass of beer with which you were preoccupied, plop yourself on the couch, and proceed to zone out in front of three (yes, THREE) football games on Thursday. And don’t forget the pumpkin pie.

    Happy Thanksgivukkah!

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