For most, this time of years is joyous and rejuvenating, but, as everyone knows, that’s not the case for everyone. The February LSAT is not far off, and this is no time of rest for students studying for the exam. It’s a time of struggle. Therefore, LSAT students need gifts over the holidays, too, possibly more so than the average giftee. They’re people, not reptilians, at least for now. If you have an aspiring lawyer in your life, here are some ideas.
#2 Pencils
Not just any pencils. Apparently the model matters — here’s some reading material to help you pick the absolute best. Your LSAT student friend may be ignoring you to study right now, but a gift of premium pencils ensures that you’ll be thought of during the test. That’s totally a positive association. I, uh, promise.
Plane tickets
After studying for the LSAT, you could use a vacation. If you’ve been putting up with someone close to you studying for the LSAT, you could probably use a vacation, too. Plane tickets for right after test day can work for you a couple different ways. Plan a trip together if you want to remind your LSAT-studying friend who you are. But if you just need a break from the LSAT student in your life, buy tickets for one.
Many LSAT studiers consider caffeine a helpful chemical enhancement. So go to your local hipster third-wave roaster and buy the best beans they have. Brewing equipment is always good, too, and Keep in mind that inexpensive equipment can make excellent coffee. Bonus: if the recipient just keeps on going to Starbucks anyway, you can drink the coffee. Alternative plan for cheapskates: NoDoz has the same active ingredient.
Remember: if they succeed, they’ll be happy, and if they’re happy, you’ll be happy, too.
Happy Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Festivus, Saturnalia and New Year from all of us! If the preceding list omitted your winter holiday, complain away in the comments.