Should I cancel my LSAT score? That’s the question many of you are asking in the aftermath of the June LSAT. It’s entirely normal to feel less than great about the LSAT the day after the test, so it’s important to weigh this decision carefully.
First, let’s get the nuts and bolts of cancelling your LSAT score out of the way.
You have 6 calendar days to cancel your LSAT score. You can only cancel in writing; you can find the form as well as information on LSAC’s policies here. Since the LSAT was this Monday, the deadline to cancel your LSAT score is this coming Sunday. The important thing: this is the deadline for LSAC to receive your cancellation, not a postmark deadline.
The most practical option is to fax your LSAT score cancellation to LSAC. If you have a longstanding phobia of the robot sex noises fax machines make when they, um, couple, you can also overnight mail your score cancellation.
If you cancel your score, neither you nor law schools will ever know what you really scored on the LSAT. Law schools will, however, know that you took the June LSAT and cancelled your score. One cancellation isn’t a big deal, but more than one can start to look bad.
A cancelled score also counts toward your limit of three tests in two years. If you cancel your June LSAT score, you’ll still be in good shape for the next law school admissions cycle; the October LSAT will let you get your application in plenty early.
As I said before, it’s normal to feel lousy as you leave the LSAT test center. If you’re tempted to cancel, you’re far from alone. Most people tend to remember the things they struggled with far more clearly than they remember the questions they breezed through. If you’re considering a cancellation of your LSAT score, do as clear an analysis of your performance as you can. Use your recent practice tests as a guide.
On those LSATs, did you properly gauge which questions you answered correctly and which ones you didn’t? If so, go through each section of the June LSAT to arrive at an approximate raw score. You probably remember the stuff you struggled with, but it’s fair to assume that the stuff you don’t remember went more or less as usual. Check this video, too, for a detailed method to help you assess whether to cancel.
If you’re beating yourself up over the stuff you missed on the June LSAT, but not so bad that you’d be happy with the score you predict, don’t cancel. If, on the other hand, chances look very good that your LSAT score is something lower than you’d be okay with, cancelling your score might be the right decision. If you decide to cancel your LSAT score, also decide what you’re going to do to get ready for the October LSAT so that you don’t find yourself having this debate again.