I know, the last thing you want to do after you’ve finally finished getting that New Year’s celebratory bottle of Peppermint Schnapps out of your system is to think about the LSAT. But if you’re going to take February and you’re not enrolled, it’s time to get your post-hangover butt in gear as the deadline is January 5th. Because we know there’s a distinct possibility that you’re not thinking clearly right now, we’ve outlined the steps for you to make it as easy as possible.
Step 1
Get a credit card ready. Notice the deliberate use of “a” rather than “your”. (Love you, mom).
Step 2
Go to LSAC.org.
Step 3
Click on “Register for the LSAT”.
Step 4
Create an account. We suggest PleaseGodDon’tGiveMeADinosaurGame for the password.
Step 5
If you haven’t already started studying, begin immediately and devote several hours a day to it. If you’ve already begun, feel smugly superior to those who haven’t.
Step 6
Enjoy the rest of your day.
For those of you who are reading this blog on January 6th and neglected to enroll on time, don’t panic! A little cash will typically grease the wheels of commerce and LSAC is no exception. For an additional $66 you can use the late registration option and still take the February 6th LSAT.
Article by Jodi Triplett of Blueprint LSAT Preparation.