Start the Application Cycle Off Right with Free Webinars

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPaaron-lsat-blog-june-webinars

    Are you thinking about applying to law school this cycle? It’s getting to be time to stop thinking and start doing. If you want to apply on the early side (and you do), you should target the September LSAT at the latest. And if you want to take the September LSAT, you don’t have too long to wait before it’s time to start preparing.

    But we have you covered. We have two webinars Tuesday, June 12th, each covering a different part of what you need to do. What’s better, if you attend either one you’ll get $300 off a Blueprint classroom course or $75 off the the first month of an online course subscription.

    First, at 12 pm Pacific, we have a webinar about law school admissions. You’ll cover everything from the personal statement to letters of rec to how law schools decide whether to accept you. As you might imagine, these are all important topics for the prospective law school applicant.

    Your guide will be Kyle Gehrmann, Blueprint instructor extraordinaire. Kyle has a 171 on the LSAT and went to law school at the University of Chicago. He also has tons of experience teaching the LSAT, so you’ll be in great hands. Here’s the link to RSVP.

    Second, at 6 pm Pacific, we’re having an LSAT webinar. This one will be all about the LSAT. What’s on it. How it’s scored. What those scores mean. How law schools use it to make their decisions. You’ll also get to try some real LSAT questions and learn about techniques for approaching them. This is all useful stuff if you’re thinking of taking the LSAT.

    Ross Rinehart will be your fearless leader. Ross has a 170 on the LSAT, went to law school at USC, and had turned more LSAT novices into LSAT experts than you can shake a fist at (please don’t try). You want to learn this stuff from Ross. RSVP here.

    Don’t forget, to attend you need to RSVP. So don’t dawdle or September will be come and gone before you know it.

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