The October LSAT is coming up in less than two weeks (12 days, to be exact). If you’re registered, it’s time to start putting together everything you’ll need for that morning at your friendly local LSAT test center.
Here are some things you’ll need to start gathering now to bring on October LSAT test day:
Your LSAT admission ticket, with passport-style photo attached. LSAC requires that you attach a photo from the last six months to your LSAT admission ticket. The photo must show you as you look on LSAT test day, so if you’re planning to shave your head into a Mohawk, either do it before you get your photo taken or wait until after LSAT test day. The photo doesn’t strictly have to be a passport photo, but a passport photo is the easiest way to meet LSAC’s various requirements (if you’re scoring at home, that makes it sufficient but not necessary that it be a passport photo).
Photo ID. It must be government-issued, and it must have your photo. A driver’s license or passport will do the trick.
An analog wristwatch. The only thing you’ll get to bring into the LSAT test center to keep track of time is an analog wristwatch. That means hands, not numbers.
Pencils and a sharpener. They must be number two pencils and they may not be mechanical pencils. Might as well bring an eraser, too.
A snack and a refreshing beverage. Don’t bring anything too big or messy, but you’ll want something for that break after section three. The beverage has to be in a juice box or plastic container, and can be no larger than 20 ounces.
A Ziploc bag, maximum size one gallon. It’s what you get to use to bring all of the above into the LSAT testing room.
There are, just as importantly, some things not to bring to the October LSAT:
Your phone. There will be no live tweeting of the October LSAT. Nor will you get to text your best friends on the break. Your phone is not allowed at the LSAT test center. Flouting LSAC’s policies on this one will bring about only harsh reprisals. Just don’t bring your phone.
A calculator. You’ll just have to do all of that tricky LSAT math in your head.
Pretty much anything electronic. It’s just not allowed. Don’t risk it.
Pens. Highlighters are allowed, in case you want to bleed through page after page of the LSAT test booklet. But otherwise, it’s nothing but pencils on the LSAT.
A briefcase, handbag, or backpack. The only bag-related fashion statement you get to make on LSAT test day is the color of the zipper on your plastic bag.
Hats or hoods. The only exception is religious apparel.
Make sure to check LSAC’s complete list of what you may and may not bring on LSAT test day. Start to put everything together now so you don’t have to scramble in the last couple days before the October LSAT. The last thing you’ll need by then is any added stress.
And finally, good luck!