Reading Comprehension – Coffee

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • “Taking coffee from bean to cup is a complex process. A wealth of knowledge is needed to grow, harvest, and process those beans. In Zimbabwe, drought and economic crisis all but wiped out the coffee industry, and much of that essential knowledge with it.

    Agronomist Tafadzwa Nyakuchena works with the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program to help farmers regain that knowledge and learn updated methods, leading to better beans and the revitalization of the country’s coffee industry. “Zimbabwe has the ideal climate and good soils to grow coffee,” Tafadzwa says. “The cool temperatures, high rainfall, and lush valleys of the Eastern Highlands provide a rich growing environment.” He has worked with the Nespresso AAA Program since 2018, as part of the Nespresso AAA Academy, administered by Nespresso and TechnoServe, an international nonprofit that works to combat poverty in the developing world. The academy provides agronomic advice and training to coffee farmers in Zimbabwe, with the goal of revitalizing the country’s once-flourishing coffee sector and improving the livelihoods of local residents in the process. By sharing his technical expertise on coffee agronomy and processing with farmers in the Mutasa district, Tafadzwa helps them produce some of the highest quality beans, which in turn brings them a higher price and helps develop the community.

    Tafadzwa has been able to provide much needed support in several key areas: hole preparation for planting, providing the right amount of shade for the coffee trees, pruning unwanted branches, and inspecting for pests and diseases. The farmers are also now using natural and biological pest management methods, carefully analyzing their soil for nutritional deficiencies, and practicing better crop hygiene by removing old, dried-out cherries from the coffee trees.” Source:

    It can reasonably be inferred from the passage that the author feels which of the following ways in regard to the help provided to the coffee farmers in Zimbabwe?

    A. Indifference to the help received.
    B. Optimism about its implications and future uses.
    C. Frustration at the farmers’ lack of interest.
    D. Skepticism about its efficacy.
    E. Impatience about the pace at which it’s been received.


    CORRECT ANSWER = (B) The author states in the passage that “Tafadzwa helps the coffee farmers produce some of the highest quality beans, which in turn brings them a higher price and helps develop the community.”

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