October LSAT scores — what to do now?

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Scores from the October 2010 LSAT are likely to be released this Friday and over the weekend. For those of you who got the scores you wanted, congratulations! (You’re also probably not reading this). Students that were disappointed in their scores should consider a retake. Here are the key factors that go into that decision.

    How do you know if you should retake?

    • There was some extraneous circumstance, like you were shorted on time, ill, or misbubbled (and for some reason you didn’t cancel)
    • Your score was significantly lower (>2 points) than the average of your final 3 full prep-tests
    • You didn’t devote yourself to a complete course of study (i.e. you worked through LSAT for Dummies and took one full real practice test)

    If you got a score that’s comfortably in the range of your past prep tests and you devoted 3+ months to studying the first time, you probably shouldn’t retake. Students that have a vague sense that they “could do better” rarely improve much, and it’s probably time to get on with the admissions process with the score you have.

    You should also consider how taking the next test will position you in the admissions cycle.  For those who took the September 2009 test, having to wait for a December score could put you at a serious disadvantage in the rolling admissions cycle of very competitive schools if you plan on entering in 2010.  That said, if you are able to raise your score by even 2-3 points, you’ll on net have a better admissions portfolio

    If you simply weren’t prepared, well, work harder! But for students that thought they were ready for the test, make sure you think about your retake studying strategically. Looking through the same books again or re-taking a prep course is unlikely to help much in our experience.

    Next Step Test Preparation provides complete courses of one-on-one tutoring with an LSAT expert for less than the price of a commercial prep course. Email us or call 888-530-NEXT (6398) for a complimentary consultation.

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