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Logical Reasonings

A) Eight out of ten dentists agree: One in five New York law school graduates are finding jobs at small law firms. Law.

B) If you haven’t learned about LSAT fallacies in your LSAT prep class yet, here’s a fallacious taste. Your Logical Fallacy Is.

C) Hulett “Bucky” Askew and his bow tie are stepping down as the American Bar Association’s law school watchdog. National Law Journal.

D) The Florida Supreme Court will consider whether or not illegal immigrants should be allowed to practice law. Meanwhile, the Arizona Supreme Court said it would like to see the Florida Supreme Court’s papers. MSNBC.

E) Know how pizza chains are always unveiling some new gimmick pie — usually having something to do with the crust? Pizza Hut Middle East has taken it to a whole new level. Eater.