A. Los Angeles-based Loyola Law School received a $1 million donation to help law students with disabilities reach prominent positions in the legal field. ABA Journal
B. The last for-profit law school left in the once-mighty InfiLaw’s portfolio — Florida Coastal Law School — will become a non-profit institution, and attempt to triple in size. Daily Business Review
C. Many are speaking out against the popular Instagram account — with a name that we can’t print in a family blog, but let’s just say it rhymes with @DuckJerry — for profiting off of stolen jokes and memes. Above the Law discusses the legal reckoning that may be coming for that, and similar, social media accounts. Above the Law
D. Vault took a look at a day in the life of a public defender. Vault
E. Apparently Virginians will have to go to at least the third-in-line to the current governor to find a state leader who hasn’t worn blackface. NBC News