Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Law students are having a solid run with successful activism. Earlier this year, students got big firms to change their arbitration agreements for summer hires. Now, students at Seattle University Law School successfully petitioned the school to drop it’s on-campus externship with ICE. Seattle Times

    B. A taxonomical discussion of the “gunners” you will meet (or maybe be) in law school. Above the Law

    C. Time is a flat circle, and 2018-19 will be a flat cycle, according to Spivey Consulting. Spivey Consulting

    D. Today in They Don’t Teach You This in Your Professional Ethics Class: You can’t run a scam with your spouse, trying to extort small businesses with the threat of gender discrimination suits. ABA Journal

    E. Twitter had a field day with Mueller’s heavily redacted sentencing memo for Michael Flynn. Huffington Post

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