A) The jobs data controversies at New York Law and Cooley Law have apparently have opened a can of worms — worms in sharp suits with briefcases suing the crap out of a bunch of other schools, but worms nonetheless. National Law Journal.
B) More than 75 percent of students at top 20 law schools come from top socioeconomic environments. Well, well, well. Look at Mr. Fancy Pants Law Student. ABA Journal.
C) If you’re worried you won’t be able to become a lawyer, here are three examples that might be the inspiration you’re looking for. The Careerist.
D) When it comes to law school grad job placement, it’s easy to lay all the blame on the recession. You might be surprised to find things weren’t so hot before the recession. (Are you surprised?) Balkinization.
E) Always a must-read: 7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now. Huffington Post.