Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Did we mention the webinars on Wednesday? You can get all the info you need to attack the LSAT, compose the best law school application, and receive a $300 discount off any Blueprint classroom course or $75 off the first month of an online subscription. So reserve your space now! Blueprint LSAT

    B. SCOTUS declined to review the Trump administration’s appeal on DACA, a decision that will keep the program in place beyond the planned expiration date on March 5th. Unlike Trump’s original recession of DACA protections, however, the Supreme Court’s decision was made without prejudice. Reuters

    C. Meanwhile, Time‘s got an overview of the free speech cases the Supreme Court will hear this term, and how those cases intersect with employment law, voting laws, and women’s reproductive rights. Time

    D. Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego was put under review by the ABA and … let’s just say that, contrary to the weather forecasts in San Diego, things aren’t looking sunny for the underperforming school. Above the Law

    E. Today in They Don’t Teach You This in Your Professional Responsibility Class: It actually might be OK to make up a bunch of fake bar associations that you belong to, just to impress clients. Kentucky Courier Journal

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