A. If you are in the market to learn about the LSAT, get insight into law school admissions process, and receive huge discounts, then you’re in luck. We’re hosting two webinars next Wednesday, February 28th, in which veteran Blueprint instructors will go over the LSAT and law school admissions, and will give you $300 off any Blueprint classroom course or $75 off the first month of an online subscription. Blueprint LSAT
B. Florida State University College of the Law will begin accepting the GRE next year, a certainly Seminole decision for the future of its admissions. Above the Law
C. A group of law firms and professors filed several suits challenging the constitutionality of the “winner takes all” electoral college system. ABA Journal
D. Today in They Don’t Teach You This in Your Professional Responsibility Class: file this one under “they obviously don’t have to teach you this.” CBS Pittsburgh
E. You’ve probably seen the headlines about the study that shows that drinking two drinks a night can help you live past 90, but here’s what that study actually says. Time