Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. A friendly reminder to RSVP to the LSAT and law school admissions webinars we’re hosting Wednesday, January 31st. You’ll get all the info you need to start studying for the LSAT and apply to law school, and you’ll receive discount codes for $300 off Blueprint’s classroom course and $75 off the first month of an online course subscription. Blueprint LSAT

    B. If you’ll be at the Roger Williams University School of Law, NYU Law, New York Law School, or UPenn Law in February, you’ll be privy to the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Law School Tour of 2018. Law.com

    C. A legal-themed documentary, Abacus: Small Enough to Jail, was nominated for an Oscar this morning. The documentary highlights Manhattan D.A. Cy Vance’s inequitable prosecution of small, family-run banks following the subprime mortgage crisis. Above the Law

    D. After to speaking to nearly everyone else, Robert Mueller finally looks ready to question Trump about Flynn and Comey. Washington Post

    E. Today in They Don’t Teach You This in Your Professional Responsibility Class: You can’t let your disbarred wife keep practicing law in your law office, especially if she misappropriated $2.34 million. ABA Journal

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