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LG – Hot Sauces

Six hot sauces – C D E F G and H – will be arranged from hottest to mildest in a straight line and numbered consecutively 1 (hottest) through 6 (mildest). The hot sauces are assigned one sauce per position, according to the following conditions:
1. F and G must be assigned to positions that are separated from each other by exactly one position
2. F and D cannot be assigned to positions that are next to each other
3. D is milder than E
4. C is placed in position 5

Which one of the following lists an acceptable assignment of hot sauces to positions 1 through 6, respectively?
A. F, E, G, H, C, D
B. F, G, E, H, C, D
C. F, D, G, H, C, E
D. F, E, C, G, H, D
E. E, F, D, G, C H

EXPLANATION: This is an elimination question. So we apply each rule to the answer choices to see which answer choice violates it. Answer choice (B) violates rule #1. Answer choice (C) violates rule #3. Answer choice (D) violates rule # 4. Answer choice (E) violates rule # 2.

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