Doing a Dry Run of your LSAT Test Center

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPdave-lsat-blog-desks
    The Test Center Dry Run Through
    Quick reminder: the LSAT is a little over two weeks away. If you’re signed up for it, this should come as no surprise, but it might be accompanied by an involuntary flinch and perhaps a frightened yelp. That’s normal (and encouraged).

    Before you walk into the LSAT on D-Day, though, you should do a dry run. On some Monday in the next two weeks, drive/walk/Segway yourself to the testing center at the same time and in the same way that you’ll be going on June 6th. You don’t want to just rely on Google maps. You might end up somewhere in Los Feliz, and no one wants that.

    During this process, find the room to which you’ll be reporting. If it’s a college of some sort, get a general idea of the campus layout in case rooms change, as they tend to do.

    On your way to the center, check out what the traffic is like, and find alternate routes in case a tanker blows up on the freeway or the L train gets de-railed. The LSAT is more important than any test you have ever taken (except for, in some cases, a paternity test). You can’t be too careful.

    If you’re driving, be on the lookout for multiple parking opportunities. Seriously. Next Saturday there will be a lot fewer spots (because something like 30 or 40 thousand of you yahoos are taking the LSAT). If you’re in Manhattan, smile smugly because you probably don’t have to worry about parking. Then stop as you realize the weather still sucks.

    Finally, find a bar near your testing center because you’re going to want to pound 17 PBRs (or regional equivalent crap beer) the moment you finish.

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