With just over a week until the February LSAT, anyone signed up for the test should be in the final stages of their prep. Here’s what you can do for the next 9 days to give yourself the best chance of success (and we’ll have more on the blog next week about other things to keep in mind!).
Review your strategy for each question type.
It’s probably been a while since you learned how to approach each question type. Now that you’re down to the wire, it’s a good idea to go back and refresh your memory about the best strategy for common questions, particularly the ones you haven’t been working on much recently.
Tackle some of the infamous Logic Games.
Note: As of August 2024, the LSAT will no longer have a Logic Games Section. The June 2024 exam will be the final LSAT with Logic Games. Learn more about the change here.
Hopefully, your Logic Games techniques are good to go at this point. It wouldn’t be a bad idea, though, to take a look at some of the most difficult and terrifying Logic Games in LSAT history. You might think that sounds like a great way to trash your self-confidence in the week before the test; however, as long as you take the time to thoroughly review the games and make sure you understand them, you’ll actually feel more prepared if the February test includes a killer game. Here’s LSAT Blog’s list of some famously tricky Logic Games if you’re looking for a place to start; I would also recommend checking out the June 2014 game that generated so much buzz (you’ll know it when you see it – it’s the one with four employees). After you’re done with that game, you can find our explanation of how to solve it here.
Take more full practice tests and timed sections.
If you’ve been eschewing taking full practice tests in favor of drilling, it’s time to get back into the habit of taking full-length tests. They can be mentally draining, and you want to make sure you’re prepared for that feeling and know what to expect. However, keep in mind the cardinal rules of taking full-length practice LSATs – you shouldn’t take them two days in a row, and you should spend TONS of time reviewing every single question you got wrong or weren’t sure about. (Here are some pointers from Anna Ivey Consulting about what that reviewing should look like.)
Treat yo’ self.
It’s not time to ease up on the studying quite yet, but at the same time, you don’t want to burn yourself out. You should definitely be working hard until late next week, but at the same time, make sure that you’re taking care of yourself – eating well, getting enough sleep, getting some exercise, maybe even having the occasional cookie or glass of wine. You’re in the final stretch, so keep your eyes on the prize, but make sure you’re setting yourself up to be happy and healthy by the time test day rolls around.