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How to Use This Blog


Before you get insulted by the idea that you need instructions on how to use a blog – “I read it, duh!” – hear us out. You clicked the link after all, smarty-pants.

While Most Strongly Supported was created and is maintained by the LSAT gurus at Blueprint LSAT Prep, and while we are the foremost experts on the LSAT, this blog is a one-stop information destination for those moving through the process of getting into law school.

We come at that mission in a few different ways:

We have a stable of instructors – yes, we treat them like farm animals – who give out sage advice on all aspects of LSAT study, from how to approach various questions or concepts to how to budget your study time and even how to prepare yourself psychologically for the rigors of test day.

  • We regularly welcome guest posters who are the leading experts in their fields on a number of issues, most often law school admissions.
  • We provide a forum for law students – some of them current or former Blueprint instructors – to opine on law school life and the subject matter and rigor of particular courses.
  • We occasionally interview legal professionals and share their advice about practicing law or their take on interesting legal issues of the day.
  • Finally, we also just like to share weird and/or interesting stories that are law-related or from all walks of life.

What that means is that, whether you’re just beginning to entertain the notion of going to law school, you’re in the middle of studying for the LSAT, you’re knee-deep in law school applications, or you just like to read interesting things, you can find what you’re looking for here.

At the top of each page of this blog, you’ll find a menu where we’ve placed all this information into useful categories. Here’s a breakdown of what’s in those tabs:


This is information on– wait for it! – the LSAT. That includes not just advice, but also analyses of particular exams, trends in the exam, academic studies regarding the exam, etc. You’ll notice that, if you hover over that tab, you can look for information germane to a particular section type, i.e. Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, or Writing Sample. We’ve also got a section devoted entirely to LSAT study guides, at least one of which definitely applies to your particular study needs. Take a gander at these enticing examples:

Law School

This section is particularly useful for those who are still in the process of considering law school. In this section, we give you a window into what law school is like and run stories on the goings-on at various law schools. Here are just a few good ones:


Are you sensing the self-explanatory tab theme yet? In this section, you’ll find two primary topics: advice on law school admissions – which includes info on completing your applications and writing the dreaded personal statement – and news about admissions at various law schools. If, for instance, law schools are getting more applicants, or they’re tightening their admissions standards, you can find our analysis of it here. Want to get admitted? Try these:


Here’s where we Kardashian the heck out of you. This link is for everyone, but it’s especially useful in helping lift the spirits of those who find themselves stressed by LSAT study. Like everything else on this site, there is a legal industry flavor to what’s going on here. You can find articles on legal movies, legal TV shows, and celebrities and the law. Look no further than these articles (and all the others in this section) to be entertained:

Legal Life

Want to know what it’s like to be a lawyer before you get yourself a quarter mil in debt becoming one? Check out the stories in the legal life tab. An especially useful feature in this tab is our ongoing series on various areas of legal practice. Check these bad boys out:


There are things you need to know, whether you know that you need to know them or not, and we’re going to tell you about them, whether you like it or not. Here’s where to get the pulse of the nation. We focus on legal news, such as important lawsuits and Supreme Court decisions, but we wouldn’t kick a good international relations story out of bed if you know what we mean. [Wink-wink!] Here’s a few examples of the newsiest news around:


Please don’t make us explain this. We keep videos here. We make a lot of high-quality video content at Blueprint. While much of it is in our online course, we also create videos on timely topics such as how to know whether or not to cancel your LSAT score. Additionally, we sometimes have student video contests or otherwise post video content created by someone else. Good stuff! Watch these:

Odds and Ends

We like wacky things. Here you’ll find the oddities of life, including our daily Logical Reasonings feature which are daily links to five stories culled from the deepest, darkest corners of the interwebs for your perusal. Here are some oddities:


Want to know about the geniuses behind Most Strongly Supported? Click on the About tab!

There you have it. Armed with this knowledge, you can use Most Strongly Supported as your LSAT/admissions/just-plain-life ally, and a powerful ally it is.