Are There Signs You Failed the NCLEX Right Away?

As a nurse educator, one of the most common questions I get about the NCLEX is “Will I be able to tell if I passed right away?” Or, framed another way, “Are there any immediate signs you failed the NCLEX?” 

The short answer is… Even if your exam does not shut off at 75 questions, this doesn’t ensure you passed or failed!

To explain why, let’s take a closer look at how the NCLEX works. We’ll begin with what you can expect to happen on exam day. 

All About CAT (and no, not a 🐱!) 

The NCLEX uses computerized adaptive testing (CAT) to determine if you passed or not. 

So how does that work? With each question you answer, the computer recalculates to give you another question based on your performance. In other words, the more you get right, the harder the questions become! This means that if you’re getting hard questions on the NCLEX, chances are it’s a good sign you’re doing well! 

But, how does the computer decide if you pass or fail? There are three ways:

1. The 95% Confidence Interval Rule 

This is how the NCLEX usually determines if someone passes or not. The computer will stop giving more questions when it’s 95% certain you’re above the passing standard. This could happen at any point in your exam, as long as you’ve answered a minimum of 75 questions.

2. The Maximum-Length Exam Rule 

If you have to answer the maximum number of questions, don’t fret! That means you’re close to the passing standard, so the computer will allow you to take all the questions. At the end of your exam, if your final score is above the passing standard, you pass! 

3. The Run-Out-of-Time Rule

This rule applies if you run out of your allotted time (5 hours) when you take the NCLEX. As long as you’ve answered the minimum number of required questions, your score will be based on all of the questions you answered before time expired. 

So as you can see, there aren’t clear signs you failed the NCLEX during the exam. The best thing you can do is focus and block out all the “noise” giving you anxiety about failing. You’ve worked too hard to let any of that stand in your way!

The “Good” vs “Bad” Pop-Up Phenomenon

What about immediately after you finish the exam? Are there any clear signs you failed the NCLEX? 

Again, the short answer is no! Proceed with caution If any of your fellow nursing students mention the “good” vs “bad” pop ups, which occur if you attempt to register for the NCLEX after already taking it. The idea is that if the website doesn’t allow you to register again, that’s supposed to be an indication that you passed. On the other hand, if you’re allowed to register again, this means you weren’t successful.

🦄 It’s important to remember that this “good” vs “bad” pop-up is a myth! There’s absolutely no real proof it’s 100% accurate.

My advice? Don’t do it. Your anxiety will thank you!

The good news is technology ensures things move fast these days! This means you could have your results in as little as 48 hours. No more waiting 6+ weeks to receive a letter in the mail! 

Now keep in mind, the results available after 48 hours are “unofficial,” meaning you can’t practice as a licensed nurse until you receive your official results from the nursing board within 6 weeks!

The “In-Between” Period

Is there anything you can do while you wait for your results? If you said stress, cry, or doubt your nursing abilities, I encourage you to reconsider! While it’s normal to be anxious during the waiting period, don’t let it consume you. 

And regardless of the outcome, you deserve to celebrate! Finishing nursing school is no joke. Enjoy the fresh air, eat at your favorite restaurant, or pick up the hobby you neglected during school. Whatever makes you happy! 

And If Things Don’t Go Your Way…

So, what do you do if you don’t pass? First, don’t let the result define you! I know many amazing nurses that didn’t pass on the first attempt. With some preparation, there’s no reason you can’t be successful the second time around. Check out our other post, How Many Times Can You Take the NCLEX? for more information about retaking the exam!

And if you’re having trouble determining where to start, let Blueprint be your study buddy for your retake! We offer a wide range of resources, from a self-paced crash course and study calendar to a 4-day live study group with two board-certified instructors. They’ll walk you through all the material you can expect to see on the NCLEX.

💙 We also offer FREE resources! (Who doesn’t love free stuff?) Check out our webinars, cheat sheets, and be sure to binge-watch our YouTube channel and TikTok for more NCLEX review!

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