The hormones involved with menstruation associated with 1) the hypothalamus, 2) the anterior pituitary, and 3) the ovaries are (in order):
A. 1) LH and FSH, 2) GnRH, 3) estrogen and progesterone
B. 1) GnRH, 2) cortisone and aldosterone, 3) LH and FSH
C. 1) GnRH, 2) LH and FSH, 3) estrogen and progesterone
D. 1) LH and FSH, 2) GnRH, 3) cortisone and aldosterone
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During the menstrual cycle: 1) the hypothalamus releases GnRH, 2) the anterior pituitary releases FSH and LH, and 3) the ovaries release estrogen and progesterone.
A. 1) LH and FSH, 2) GnRH, 3) estrogen and progesterone, incorrect, The hypothalamus releases GnRH, and the anterior pituitary releases LH and FSH.
B. 1) GnRH, 2) cortisone and aldosterone, 3) LH and FSH, incorrect, The anterior pituitary releases FSH and LH. The adrenal cortex releases cortisone and aldosterone. Cortisone increases gluconeogenesis and decreases protein synthesis. Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption; increases to water retention and, thereby, blood pressure are secondary effects.
C. 1) GnRH, 2) LH and FSH, 3) estrogen and progesterone, correct.
D. 1) LH and FSH, 2) GnRH, 3) cortisone and aldosterone, incorrect, see explanations a and b.
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