MCAT Chemistry Question — Electrons

  • Reviewed By: Liz Flagge
  • In the Bohr model of the atom, electrons jump to a higher energy orbital when:

    a) sufficient energy is absorbed

    b) their spin coefficient increases sufficiently

    c) they move to a smaller radius orbital

    d) photons are given off


    The Bohr model of the atom suggested that electrons existed in orbitals of finite energy levels. Electrons may jump to a higher orbital if sufficient energy in the form of photons is absorbed, and finite energy is given off in the form of photons if an electron in a higher energy orbital returns to a lower level orbital.

    a) sufficient energy is absorbed, correct

    b) their spin coefficient increases sufficiently, incorrect, there is no spin coefficient

    c) they move to a smaller radius orbital, incorrect, electrons gaining energy move to larger radius orbitals

    d) photons are given off, incorrect, photons are given off when electrons move to lower energy orbitals

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