Blueprint LSAT Blog: Law School Life

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Law School Myth Busters: Your Classmates Will Sabotage You

With the February LSAT in the rear view, we’ve entered a relatively LSAT-bereft period that will last until June. In this span, we’re going to do a series covering law school myths. To kick things off, we’ll talk about one of the most prevalent notions regarding law school — that it is a competitive environment

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What Is Clerking? And 4 Reasons to Clerk After Law School

What Is a Clerkship? A clerkship is a one or two-year-long position with a judge. This can include state or federal judges, or more specialized judges. So, Why Clerk? First, clerking provides a great opportunity to experience different practice groups and to observe a variety of different lawyering styles. Coming out of law school, young

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The World’s Ugliest Law Schools

Last week, the aesthetes of Architecture Digest published a list of the eight ugliest university buildings in America. And — unfortunately for those who are currently plugging away at the LSAT in the hopes of one day attending these institutions — law schools were disproportionately represented. Despite the fact that most law schools are just

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Rafting Down The Law School River. Literally.

The University of Colorado Law School is putting on a “Law of the Colorado River” seminar. This is hilariously outrageous. First thing you need to know is that a seminar is exactly like a class but no one does the reading and everyone has to speak, every class. So essentially, once a week you exchange

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The 3L Winter Break

The third year of law school is regrettably still a thing. Most people will line up jobs at the start of their second year, which leaves you wondering what the point of the third year is. At any rate, here’s what I’ve been doing with my third year. Traveling Judging from Facebook statuses it seems

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Law School Exams Are Different, In Ways Good And Bad

Law school exams are very different from what you’re used to in undergrad. In a way, undergrad exams are more fair. If you study a lot, memorize the material that you’ve covered, and mange to demonstrate that you’ve done all this work on the day of the exam by basically regurgitating the material in a

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Law School, Actually

What? Me? No, I was totally paying attention. Can you repeat the question? Law school classes are very different from undergrad classes. Here’s how. 1. Cold Calling One of the biggest differences from your undergrad experience is that most law school professors will cold call students from a seating chart or list of names. Law

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The People You Meet In Law School

The law school equivalent of the water cooler. Law school is a lot like high-school. There are lockers, people carry backpacks, and everyone knows about everyone else’s business. We all know that high-school has certain defined social groups (see “The Breakfast Club”). This post is going to discuss the types of people that you meet