Blueprint LSAT Blog: Law School Life

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Dispatches from Law School: Preparing for Finals

As a first-year law student, it would be premature for me to give advice on the best ways to study for law school exams, but heading into December of 1L, what I do have is a fresh experience with law school during prime exam-prep season and about as much second-hand advice for finals as one

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Dispatches from Law School: Meeting the “Gunner”

Despite the warnings I heard before law school, the great majority of law students I’ve met are thoughtful, interesting and supportive people. The “gunner” stereotype of a law student is essentially the opposite: a self-important student who sits at the front of every class, takes up class time with their own philosophizing on the law,

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Dispatches from Law School: The Stress of Cold Calling

When you think of law school, the scene that comes to mind might well be the beginning of the movie The Paper Chase, where a law professor calls on a student the first day of class and ruthlessly interrogates him about a case he didn’t know he was supposed to read. Law school professors are

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Dispatches from Law School: First Two Weeks as a 1L

Blueprint instructor and Most Strongly Supported contributing writer, Jacqueline Uranga, just began her first year at Columbia Law School. To give you a first-hand account of what the law school experience is really like — and to allow her to occasionally work through some of the most stressful aspects of law school — she’ll be

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Avoiding the Lonely Lawyer Trap Begins in Law School

A recent study from the Harvard Business Review found that lawyers were in the loneliest profession. And while this info might make you think twice about choosing a career in the law, those of us who are determined to stick with a legal career should still be asking, where does this issue of lonely lawyers

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Getting the Most Out of Your Law School Visit

By now, this year’s law school applicants have been through the most trying elements of the application process and are finally (hopefully) coming out the other side with acceptances from some of their schools of choice. Law schools are welcoming their prospective students to visit for specific events or to simply take a tour to

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Law School Myth Busters: You’re Going to Give Up Your Social Life

To conclude our series on law school myths, we’re going to end on a positive note. Over the last couple weeks, I’ve gone over the “myth” that the first year of law school is incredibly rigorous and the “myth” that law school hiring is most dependent on your first semester’s grade. Unfortunately, both of those

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Law School Myth Busters: 1L Is Going to Be Really Hard

Continuing our series from last week, we’re going to go over another commonly held belief regarding law school to determine whether or not it is a myth. Previously, we covered the notion that law school students are cutthroat competitors — the type who would trip you if you were trying to escape from a horde