Your Withdraw Options/Escape Routes for the October LSAT

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPalex-lsat-blog-withdraw-options-october-lsat
    Tomorrow marks the very last day that you can withdraw your registration for the October LSAT (or the second to last day if you are taking a Sabbath test). This is your last chance to jump out of the plane and pull the ripcord. Perhaps you don’t feel extraordinarily confident about your prospects. Maybe you just got the flu. Perhaps you’ve been wondering to yourself, “should I withdraw?”

    As with all matters law, it depends. The first hurdle you must surmount is that of money. If you withdraw late, you forfeit your entire registration fee. No mas dinero para ti. Make sure you can afford to withdraw before you do.

    Once you’re past the money issue, the answer is mainly one of preparedness. You have to look in the mirror and ask yourself whether or not you’ve done everything you can to ensure LSAT success. Did you do all (or at least nearly all) of the homework you were assigned? Did you do it while employing the techniques you learned in the proper fashion? Have you seen improvement as you’ve progressed in your studies?

    Use your LSAT practice exams as a gauge. If you haven’t scored where you want to, or where you think you can, the chances that you’ll see a huge LSAT score boost on October LSAT test day are pretty slim. That said, if you are happy with the way you’ve been scoring, and you can honestly tell yourself you’ve given it your all, then you’ll never be more prepared than you are now. Jitters are likely to blame for your desire to withdraw. That’s a good thing, though. It means you actually care about your LSAT score. Who knew?

    Maybe you slacked off on your LSAT prep homework. Or had major surgery during your LSAT prep. Or went through a terrible breakup. Or visited Vegas. Then you’d be someone with just cause to doubt his/her level of preparedness for the October LSAT. Have you adjusted your sleep schedule so you’re getting up at the same time you will on LSAT test day? Are you practicing in the morning so you’re used to doing exam problems during the proper time of day? Do you have a plan for your exam day morning? If you can’t answer these questions affirmatively, you may want to consider taking advantage of the late LSAT withdrawal option.

    Even if you don’t use that option, and you sit for the October LSAT, and disaster strikes (yardwork outside the LSAT test center, LSAT proctor has a heart attack, etc.), you still have an option. You can always cancel your LSAT score on the day of the exam. Note, though: you’ll still lose your registration fee and all the work you put in. It’s usually best to let your performance simmer for a couple days before cancelling your LSAT score. That said, if you know you absolutely tanked (and you need to be 100% certain) you can figuratively chuck your answer sheet into a fire and be done with it forever.

    Or at least until the December LSAT.

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